Home Cats Cat Food Wet Food Pack 6 Applaws Tasty Tuna/Crab Pack 6 Applaws Tasty Tuna/Crab by Applaws See full description APPLAWS Succulent Tuna Fillet with Crab contains nothing more than the ingredients listed. Applaws is a completely natural complementary pet food for adult cats.Composition:Tuna Fillet 56%, Fish Broth 35%, Rice 5%, Crab 4%.60g Weight 6x 60 GR £7.74 £1.29/unit Order 2 units, don't run out of it Buy it with... Trixie Hierba gatos con Recambio, 100% 100 gr £2.29 Purina Felix Party Mix Cheezy 60 GR £1.49 AFP Flying mice 64x4x4 cm £3.99 Features Pack 6 Applaws Tasty Tuna/Crab Reference5060122496018 Weight60 GR BrandApplaws Units1 Nutritional ConditionsNatural AgeAdult FlavorFish FormatCan Made inUnited Kingdom ManufacturerApplaws,CH23476,MPM Products Swiss Sàrl c/o, 1208 Genève (Suiza)., Product RangeApplaws Jelly Description Pack 6 Applaws Tasty Tuna/Crab APPLAWS Succulent Tuna Fillet with Crab contains nothing more than the ingredients listed. Applaws is a completely natural complementary pet food for adult cats.Composition:Tuna Fillet 56%, Fish Broth 35%, Rice 5%, Crab 4%.60g Customer Reviews Pack 6 Applaws Tasty Tuna/Crab Write a review Related categories Cat Food Cat Food Applaws Cat Food applaws jelly Cat Food natural Cat Food adult Cat Food fish Cat Food united kingdom Wet Food Wet Food Applaws Wet Food applaws jelly Wet Food adult Wet Food fish Wet Food can Standard price £7.74 Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% available We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today
Description Pack 6 Applaws Tasty Tuna/Crab APPLAWS Succulent Tuna Fillet with Crab contains nothing more than the ingredients listed. Applaws is a completely natural complementary pet food for adult cats.Composition:Tuna Fillet 56%, Fish Broth 35%, Rice 5%, Crab 4%.60g