Cereal-free natural food for adult dogs based on venison, free-range duck, apple, beetroot, pear and fresh blueberries. Edgard Cooper Venison & Farm Duck is a natural dog food rich in meat and hypoallergenic, which is recommended for all adult dogs.
Preferred use by date and batch number: see top of bag. Make sure your dog always has fresh water available when eating. These kibbles are best kept in cool, dry places.
Fresh duck 35%, sweet potato, peas, pea protein, fresh deer 5%, fish oil, duck sauce, linseed, minerals, mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), apples ,4 %, beetroot ,4 %, pears ,4 %, blueberries ,4 %, cranberries ,4 %, marigold flowers, nettle, blackberry leaves, fennel, caraway, camomile, lemon balm.
Nutritional additives/kg:
vitamin A 2 IU, vitamin D3 2 IU, vitamin E 35 mg. Iron (iron (II) sulphate, monohydrate) 75 mg; iodine (potassium iodide) 3.5 mg; copper (cupric sulphate, pentahydrate) 1 mg; manganese (manganous sulphate, monohydrate) 7.5 mg; zinc (zinc oxide) 15 mg; selenium (sodium selenite) ,15 mg.
Analytical constituents:
gross protein 25 %, crude oils and fats 15 %, crude fibre 3 %, crude ash 8,4 %, omega 6 1,45 %, omega 3 ,8 %, calcium 1,1 %, phosphorus ,8 %. 376 kcal/1 g. CEREAL FREE