Description Forza10 Puppy Junior Fish Diet
Complete dietetic food for puppies and pregnant and lactating femalesPuppy Junior Diet with Fish, dog food with a high biological value, highly digestible and rich in unsaturated fatty acids Omega3 naturally present in fish oil, represents the ideal food for all puppies. At the same time it is indicated to reduce intolerances to ingredients and nutrients, to avoid the onset of all meat-related hypersensitivity problems, especially when the meat comes from intensive farming.Clinical studies have demonstrated that the vast majority of cats and dogs, which were fed sea fish during the their growth, present a more than satisfactory skeletal-muscular development. On the basis of these studies, SANYpet has formulated its FORZA10 products, complete diet and maintenance lines for cats and dogs of all breeds and sizes.Characteristics -Microencapsulation: ensures stability throughout time of the natural principles, contained in the natural substances added. It also guarantees a gradual absorption in the intestinal tract, thanks to its gradual release properties (slow release) for a long-acting and constant effect. Papaya, Pomegranate, Ginseng and Pineapple have been added to its formula, already rich in Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids (present in the ideal ratio 1:3)-hypoallergenic food based on sea fish, protein source high in biological value; readily assimilable and highly digestible-natural principles such as Ginseng and Pineapple are added. Ginseng, considered one of the most energising substances, is useful in stressful situations. Pineapple, instead is rich in vitamin A and other precious natural principles-use of beet pulp stimulates correct bowel movement, function and absorbent activities -natural antidegenerative properties of fish oil, naturally rich in two important Omega3 fatty acids: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), involved in vital biological and physiological mechanisms-characteristic of fish oil to protect against the risk of developing heart diseaseIndications -Complete and balanced food for puppies during the growth stage, to guarantee a harmonious and balanced development of the muscoloskeletal apparatus-Ideal for puppies that have a high level of food intolerance or allergy-For pregnant or lactating females with food related disorders